Tools You Should Always Carry In Your Truck

Being a truck driver doesn't necessarily mean that you have to have mechanical skills, but you should still be prepared for anything that may come your way while you're on the road. Here are our rig's must-haves.

At some point, you're going to find yourself in a situation where your hands need to be protected, so the first thing on our list is a good high-quality pair of work gloves. They'll keep your hands warm, and help you avoid dirt, grim, and cuts that impede your driving.

If Murphy's Law is to be believed, if you need to look at something on your truck, it's going to be dark out, so make sure you pack a flashlight with extra batteries. A good LED flashlight can help make sure you see what you need to see to keep yourself safe.

With nuts and bolts all around, you're going to need wrenches. We recommend having an assortment. A combination wrench set with open and box ends, an adjustable wrench, as well as a dog bone wrench will make sure that you have what you need to get the job done

In addition to a good set of wrenches, it's always a great idea to have a good set of screwdrivers. A set with different sizes, and bit types can help you get out of a jam.

The air pressure in your tires should be something that is always top of mind when you're on the road. Having a pressure gauge in the vehicle with you is going to help you keep on top of it and ensure that your tires have the right pressure, meaning that your rig is running smoothly

Do you have questions about being on the road, or are you ready to start your new career as a truck driver? Let us know! We'd love to hear from you!

 Tools You Should Always Carry In Your Truck

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